Winter months bring more than just the holidays, the cold weather can strain the furnace and balloon the heating bill. For low income households and individuals, this can pose problems if utility bills are unpaid. Fortunately, a program called the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP, can help when essential utilities (the heat during winter or air conditioning in the summer), are shut off or in danger of being shut off due to non-payment. LIHEAP is a Federal program that is implemented at the state and local level. In Missouri, local Community Action agencies administer the program.
The LIHEAP program is divided into two sub-programs. The Energy Assistance Program provides a one-time payment for heating bills from November through March, whereas the Energy Crisis Intervention Program has both a winter and summer assistance program.
In addition the agencies that offer the LIHEAP program, may offer additional severe weather supplies like " blankets, emergency lodging, furnace and central air replacement and repair, window air conditioners, or wood stoves."
For more information, or to apply for assistance, visit:
