When looking for resources for those with disabilities in Springfield, MO, it’s important to not overlook The Arc of the Ozarks.
This nonprofit organization has been around since 1964 and their goal is to enhance the lives of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Taken directly from their website, their mission is “to support individuals with disabilities in directing their own lives as valued members of the community”. They offer assistance with employment services, community living and support, education, recreation, etc.
You can find more information on the services they provide by visiting their website here (https://thearcoftheozarks.org/) or calling them at 417.864.7887.
If you or a loved one has a disability and needs care in your home, our organization Access Personal Care can help at no cost to the Consumer. The person needing care must be on active MO Healthnet (Medicaid) to qualify for the services. We also pay the most to the caregiver at a rate of $15! Please contact us at 816.822.7432 or info@accesspersonalcare.org for more information or assistance.